Tele Aviv Grossso Modo Gallery
Our Fim "Produktionsmittel" was selected out of more than 300 entries for screening by Resonance Sound Art and New Music Film Festival at Grosso Modeo Gallery Tel Aviv End Sept 2024.
"We received over 300 proposals, and your project stood out among a remarkable pool of talent."
München Einstein Kultur
Seoul 8.Juli 2024 ICMC;
Unsere Doku "Sensor32 Controller Array for Sound in Motion" wird beim Late Night Concert gezeigt darin Karina Erhard, Querflöte
New York City: March 2024 Exciting Collaboration with RTSneutral
"Produktionsmittel" will see a new version with Rapper RTSneutral (Richard St. Martin)
NYC Bobst Library Immersion Room, Washington Sq. South.
SEAMUS National Conference March 20, 2024
SensorsFor Listening Machines (Assemble Mix Friedemann von Rechenberg) wurde auf de CD23 der Edition DeGEM veröffentlicht
Karina Erhard setzt Akzent mit Don´t Block the Flöte beim Jubiläum der Musikschule Pfaffenhofena.d.Illm
"Produktionsmittel" heisst das Stück von Karina Erhard und K.F. Gerber beim Musikfest der MGNM am 1.Oktober im Schwere Reiter
(geplant 16:30 Uhr).
Gerber/Erhard, intimer Roboterjazz: Galerie LOT München 1.Sept. 20Uhr, in der Ausstellung von Reinhard Mohr.
MA/IM Matera Intermedia, IT has etablished a Hall of Fame, showing my Award of Destinction for Live Performance/Sound Art 2021 [Category D].
NYCEMF U.S. has accepted my work "Don´t block the Flöte" for Tárogató (Esther Lamneck) and Alto Recorder Automaton (Projection) Scheduled June 23, 8 p.m. Concert 15 Program Book Page 38.
Ars Electronica Forum Wallis CH has chosen my piece ForSensors for presentation (March 11, 2023, ten selected out of 250 international submissions). The final audio-assemblage and mix I owe to the wonderful Friedemann von Rechenberg.
K. F. Gerber to present a piece on the Sensor32 and a paper at MOXSonic March 2023.
"More Parameters for Your Music in Realtime" can be downloaded as pdf here.
Sensor32 is nominated Finalist in the
Guthman Musical Instrument Competition. Showdown: perform at
Celebration Event meeting Ofir Klemperer on March 11, 2023 in Ferst Center, Atlanta, U.S. GT: Georgia Tech !
At eviMus Saarbrücken, DE Nov 4, with Karina Erhard, hammer computerized Zither, Sensor32 array, computerized Streichpsalter!
Video Work for 16 Sensors is accepted to be played at the 2022 Audio Rocket Festival at Osaka Univ. of Art, Osaka, Japan.
"32 Sensors" accepted by IRCAM Forum at NYU, NYC, USA.
An international conference on following topics: composer/performer/computer interaction, improvisation, and collaboration; sonification and generative sound exploration; soundscape [re]sonification, interaction, sensing and sensor networks; and educational tools in interaction and sound design.
"Limit II" for Piccolo and Hammered Zither is planned by the MGNM Musikfest in Munich, DE for Sept 24 in Block 4, 19:45H at Schwere Reiter. Flautist and Co-composer ist Karina Erhard.
At NYCEMF Festival New York, NY USA: "Don´t Block the Flöte", is nominated "Waitlisted"
In Double-Blind Peer Review the International Computer Music Association ICMA has selcted my Video on Performances of "Don´t Block the Flöte". July ICMC 2022 in Limerick, IE. Line-up: Karina Erhard on c_flute and the Alto Recorder Automaton.
"Approaches Reasembled" broadcast on BR Horizonte Radio, DE during Feature with Karina Erhard, March 29, 2022.
Einstein Munich, DE, Feb 4: Abgefahrene Automaten w/ Friedemann von Rechenberg and K. F. Gerber.
Live video from Schwere Reiter (edit) accepted by TENOR Hamburg, DE
Domagk-Atelierhaus Studio Video: Karina Erhard (fl) and machine accepted by Klingtgut Symposion Hamburg, DE May 14, 16:30H: Meet the Artist II, see Programme.pdf page 38 and digital p38
Violinautomat is invited to perform at NIME2021 New Interfaces In Musical Expression by
Serving REAL:WORK2021 Jahreskongreß Munich,
DE/Online; in the entertainment programm, June 29, 2021!
Violinautomat duet / interactive with Flute accepted at Graz,AT/Online, July 12, 2021: xCoAx
"Approaches" was presented at ICMC2021 Santiago de Chile, CL July 25-31. 2021 online
Audio Mostly21 played video "short edit of premiere" with Automaton and Karina Erhard. Sept 1, online from Trento, IT.
Violinautomat invited to ATEMPORANEA Buenos Aires, AR "reprogramará del lunes 13 al sábado 18 de septiembre de 2021 y se realizará en formato online"
On Sept 26 In the Nazareth Church Munich, DE, at the Ambient Waves Festival, Genre NewMusic: Gerber, Erhard and assorted Machines
"Don´t block the Flöte" for Flautist and Altorecorderrobot" at Schwere Reiter NEU Munich, DE on Oct 3, 2021, 17:30 during MGNM Musikfest. Program notes (German)
Approaches to be presented in Internet Gallery of Studio300 Festival of Transylvania University Lexington, KY, US from Oct 6, 2021.
Approaches was presented by the SBCM 18th Brazilian Symposion on Computer Music , AR Oct 2021.
CMMR Tokyo, JP Received Best Music award from 15th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR)
"Karina meets the Robots" featuring Karina Erhard on flutes backed by an ensemble of machines from Christoph Reiserer und K.F. Gerber. Dec 10, 2021 at Schwere Reiter NEU.
"Approaches Re-Assembled" by Friedemann von Rechenberg released on DEGEM CD20 "im hier und jetzt oder nie" (Curator Anne Wellmer) and on Spotify.
SensorsFor wurde auf CD23 der Eidtion DeGEM veröffentlicht
Neues Projekt: Sensor Array.
Dirigiere Klangsynthese oder alles was in Echtzeit auf MIDI continuous controllers reagiert.
Dies könnte eine 3D Vorschau auf die finale Platine sein? Davon soll es bis zu 24 Stück geben...
New Project
To conduct sound algorithms or anything reponding to MIDI realtime continuous controllers. Final PCB Version...
"Sie machen auch Roboterjazz?" fragt Münchens Kulturreferent Anton Biebl bei der Verleihug der Urkunde "Neue Medien/Junge Kunst" an Karina Erhard.
Kein Projekt von Roboterjazz, aber ehrenvoll und erfreulich!
"You also do robot jazz?" asks Munich's cultural officer Anton Biebl when awarding the certificate "New Media/Young Art" to Karina Erhard.
Not a roboterjazz project, but honourable and welcome!
Foto Gerber: 16.11.21 im neuen Gasteig München.
Previous Recorder Project; here with Tenor Recorder; planned is Alto instead!
Hammered Zither
New Project: Soprano Streichpsalter with "Cat´s Whiskers Motors.
Bowed Psaltery: Potential of 21 independent bows....driving mechnism to be added
Video from Live Streaming of TNMAS Performance #6 "Homestory" by Karl F. Gerber on Sat Dec 19, 17:00 Bangkok Time ( 11:00 Munich time)
Note: Due to pandemic the 2020 festival was cancelled, Awards still valid. Here ist the provisionsional Programme 2020 with awards. Finallay we have FB link now